Our ISVAs listen to survivors and respond to their needs, assisting them to gain support from other agencies as appropriate.

The Independent Sexual Violence Advisor (ISVA) will give you information about the legal process and your rights, so you can make informed choices. If you decide to make a report to the police, you will be supported in all stages of the legal process. Our ISVA service is available whether you choose to report or not.

Our ISVA service

The ISVA's role is to work with people who have experienced sexual violence, to help and support them in improving their situation, to help them feel in control and make decisions that are right for them. The ISVA service is available to survivors of any form of sexual violence, sexual assault and childhood sexual abuse, whether they wish to report to the police or not.

How can our ISVA help you?

Our ISVA can:

  • Help you decide if you wish to report to the police
  • Give you information about the legal process and your rights
  • Support you in all stages of the legal process if you have made a report to the police
  • Support you when you give evidence in court
  • Assist you with contacting the police and prosecution service
  • Talk with you about your situation in a safe space
  • Listen to you, find out what your needs are and assist you to gain support from other agencies
  • Work with you if you do not wish to report to the police


ISVA Case Study

The ISVA recently provided the following support to a survivor who had reported to the police:

  • Attended court with her for a pre-court visit and talked about special measures.
  • Helped her put a (successful) request forward to the CPS for her to give evidence via video link
  • Supported her in the video link room
  • Helped her build relationships with her family
  • Supported her through retrial
  • Supported her to attend the GP, where she received medication and a referral to the mental health team
  • Referred her to the Horizon Sexual Violence Counselling Service
  • Put a CICA claim in, which resulted in an award
  • Helped her set up a bank account
  • Supported her with a Homeseeker application
  • Referred her to the Horizon Sexual Violence Recovery Toolkit programme, which she has now completed.